Biodiversity in Aldingbourne

Green Infrastructure corridors such as woodland and well-maintained hedgerows provide important wildlife habitats and cover for migration of wildlife. The parish of Aldingbourne has a number of small copses, old orchards, mature hedgerows, ponds, watercourses and similar habitats hosting a variety of wildlife. These have potential to enhance biodiversity within the parish and provide important connections between the South Downs and the coast if they are better connected to form wildlife corridors.

The Neighbourhood Plan states that all development with the potential to adversely impact on the areas defined as Biodiversity Corridors (see Evidence Base ) will be required to demonstrate how the scheme will impact on the integrity and function of the Biodiversity Corridors. Where necessary, this should include the identification of avoidance and mitigation measures sufficient to avoid any significant harm to the designation. Developers are strongly encouraged to also demonstrate how the overall function and integrity of the Biodiversity Corridors may be enhanced to provide a ‘net gain’. Proposals should also include a management plan to ensure that effective long-term management of the key features within the Biodiversity Corridor can be achieved. 


Ancient Woodland Map

Chalk Stream and Habitat Map

Local Green Space Map

Traditional Orchards Map

WSCC Hedgerow Survey 2001 map